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Henry Meguid - ABTA Master Teacher and 2018 Teacher of The Year


Henry teaches webinars to beginners, advancing beginners, and intermediate players. These webinars range from general bidding, 2/1, Competitive bidding, Is your bid forcing, declarer play, managing entries, and several on defensive planning, leads, signals, and second and third-hand defense as well supervised plays.



Henry Meguid is an American Bridge Teachers’ Association (ABTA) Master Teacher and 2018 Teacher of The Year. He is a member of the ACBL Educational Foundation Liaison Committee and is a certified ABTA Master Teacher, the highest bridge teacher certification in North America.  He has over 35 years of experience in education, training, and organizational development. He is the founder and owner of The Bridge Academy, an ACBL club devoted to bridge education with special emphasis on the social bridge player. The club motto “Have Fun, Play Better” captures Henry’s approach to teaching and playing bridge. He has been teaching bridge to all levels of players since the eighties and has been a frequent guest speaker at sectional, regional tournaments, and the annual ABTA convention. 

Visit: www.bridgeacademync.com